Friday 29 June 2012

Be Nature

1. Used the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) to select the pictures and then used the brush tool (B) to colour the pictures.
2. Selected the water part by using the brush tool (B) and colour it to blue colour yet changed the brush to soft round pressure size in white colour in the middle of the water drop then changed it back to the hard round to in blue colour in to draw the water waves. Lastly, used the filter and I had chosen pixelate in fragment.
3. I used the brush tool (B) and made it into soft round pressure size and put some lighter colours to show the peace and nature for the sky.
4.I had also used the brush tool and changed it into star 70 pixels to draw with yellow colour make it looks like the golden dust which is releasing from the butterflies and also changed back to the hard round in brown colour and do the dots as the butterflies's antennae. Furthermore, I used the brush tool (B) in soft round pressure size and colour it in  brown colour as a land.
5. I used the brush tool (B) with soft round, then drew some lines in dark brown as a cracked land.
This is my final product of my work after using photoshop.
Art work title: Being Nature

Visual Treatment :
i. Brief description: The artwork shows that the land is cracked and it is desperately need water to moisturize the land and due to the air pollution is caused the ozone layer is getting thinner and allowing more and more of the sun rays to pass through the atmosphere and increasing the temperature and it will directly causing the global warming happens if the pollution never been stopped. As time goes by the nature will eventually disappear in front of every one of us.
ii. Art movement: Romanticism, Impressionism and Cubism
iii: Theme: Environmentalism
iv. Ideation and concept: The artwork shows that the land is cracked and needed the water to moisturize and there is some butterflies are flying on the top and release some golden dust which is try to save up our earth. The concept of the golden dust is actually got it from the fairy tale because the golden dust are containing magic power to make people alive and it is also showing us there are always got hopes. If people are keep continuing polluted the air and the mother-nature will be spoiled and disappeared.  

Art work by: Tan Cheow Oon
Student ID: B1102218

Saturday 23 June 2012

Be Protective

1.Use the Magnetic tool (L) to select the sketch and use brush tool (B) to color the sketch that i had selected in dark brown and used the black to emphasize the lines.
2.Used the Magnetic Tool (L)as well to select the Globe in to blue and red color. Red color is represent warning and caution. Then i also used the palette knife filter to make the globe looks brighter in the middle.

3. Then, I have re-colour the the trunk and branches into three types of different green colours by using the brush tool(B).
4.Then I used to brush tool (B) to colour the flowers and leaves by using different colours and also used the darker colour to draw the edges for them.

Tuesday 19 June 2012


The reason for to choose this comic character is because superman has supernatural power which normal people would't never have in their lives. This is so called the fantasy dream which is leading people to create and fill up their personal imagination and fantasy world. Besides, it is also represented the justice and the heroic characteristic and identities to the public.

Sunday 17 June 2012


From this picture which i had taken form the internet has given me some kind of feeling about the world is going to disappear. As what I had saw from this picture, the land is surrounded by water and it had shown the land will be limited for people to live. Hence, please try to put some little efforts to save our earth.

Friday 8 June 2012

10th On fire...

This sketch has obviously shown that the globe is on fire and it is needed the water to extinguish the fire otherwise the globe will turn to ash. 

9th-Fall sick

The temperature of the globe is increasing day by day. Assume it is a living thing, it is getting sick and it need a pack of ice to cold down it's temperature.

8th skecthes- stop global warming

Pretty obvious this is a sketch with very a straight forward to everyone. It is a logo which is telling people STOP GLOBAL WARMING.